4 egg white plus 4 soup spoon of sugar...Beat till it look like this....I use hand beat for 20 min den become like this...hands are damn tired butta muz keep ur hart and mood happy if not cake outcome are not very good...Sometime muz be 'pan dang' abit... 4 egg yolk plus 4 soup spoon of cooking oil...Add into the mixture of eggwhite and sugar... Den add 4 soup spoon of this thing... Stir and stir and stir...Additional of choco... Bake it for ard 30 min wif 175 to 200'C
Outcome not very nice la!!! Hahahaha! Anyway it can be eat! AM so happy!!!! Its nice!
Jessica posted at Wednesday, July 04, 2007 |
I like this preety!!!! her voice also very power!This song very nice!!! *clap* Thanks Mj for the VCD, will return soon!
Jessica posted at Wednesday, July 04, 2007 |
Will upload more photos from dearly's hp...
See tat stupid helmet we're wearing tats for playing the LUGE! I tell u guys its fun, but it ended quite fast coz the road is not long enough...Before playing the luge, we take the skyrider up to the hill top, ITS DAMN SCARY, for me but not for dearly...Tat ting sudden stop for a few sec while we're at the top! I was freaking out! Coz its shaking plus it stop! Dearly was like getting my attention away from the freaking height and sudden stop asking me to look at the TREES's Leaf...-_- Haaa~~~ after tat we walked to the beach, the waters are quite clean la, not same as east coast park or watever... Wanna go back there for beach agian... Dearly say muz ask friends go den it will be fun, and i agree!
While at the beach, we saw a couple taking their wedding photos, tat guy was walking to left side while the lady walking the opp direction, I was telling dearly , i tell u the next step they are going to do is running to eachother den the cameraman will snap! Juz as i was saying they really run lo! Look stupid la, its like'Dear! I Love u!'(hand up on the air...) Muhahahaha~
Am so bad laugh at ppl's sweetest moment...
After sentosa, went to VIVO city! Its my first time stepping into it....lalala~ I know am sua gu okay...Its so big tat i and dearly got to walk around for sometime to find my beloved LJS to have my dinner... After tat we wen for MOVIES!!! Transformer!!! Its a nice movie! Dearly say our next movie MUS be Harry Potter!!! I cant wait till 12 july!!!
ytd little bro gave me my pre bday prezzie! Its Maple cash card! Am sooo happy....Can let my char wear nice nice, or i shld save it up for pet yeti?!
Today got to stuck up at home, later gona to bake cake! 2days ago i bake pandan cake its not successful! i thought its nice!butta wen u eat it, its like YIKES EGGs...Muhahaha~ My bro juz reach home from work and i told him to look at the dinning table! Den his eyes was like 'HAH!!!Wat u bake agian!' Look at the cake... den he shout ' Wa, Mother wat monster is tat!!!!'
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz I TELL U BRO I WILL BAKE TILL U SAY ITS NICE MAN! Den Will stuck all cakes into ur mouth! Muhahaha~
The next day, finding where's my cake, i asked mom where is it...U know wat she say...'Throw away le, coz its not for human to eat...' I was fuming!!!Butta at the same time i was thinking ya lo, i only eat 1 tiny little small part of the cake already feel tat its YIKES...